Projexcel is one of the well known company who supply solvent recovery plant & also supply Technology based commercial production turnkey plants in disfillation. Every equipment required for solvent recovery plant manufactured at our in-house manufacturing facility. While working closely with our customer we understand the need of customer and we started supporting them with the supply of process equipment likes Distillation column, Stripper, Absorber, Extractors, Tray & packing column along with column internals. Supplying a Batch distillation and continuous distillation system is our core strength and we supply the same along with best possible auto control system.
Projexel is able to design and manufacture all types of conventional trays (with the excepfion of certain proprietary types) for any column size and from any metallic material.
We design highly efficient and cost effective trays consisting of vapour/liquid contacting decks to meet specific process requirements in all kind of trays. Our Sieve Trays, Bubble cap trays & Valve trays are mechanically simplest trays.
vtaterial of construction used for Izays SS304, SS304L, SS316, SS316L, Copper, Inconel etc
The scope of work undertaken by us can vary to suit the individual project or maintenance requirement of custom fabrication of trays or tray parts as per customer design and specifications to complete installation. Services to provide installation and commissioning of trays, hydraulic design, mechanical design etc. are provided by us.